To represent students in college-wide discussions, we annually elect 12 students to 我们的执行委员会.



总统 of the 相关学生 presides over the Executive Board. 总统 also serves on, or appoints a designee to, the following College Committees: Student Service Fund, Bookstore, Food Service, Flea Market Board of Directors, College Coordinating Council (CCC) and other committees within the college’s shared Bylaws and all resolutions 实际上是这样的. President of the College, and oversees all activities of the Executive 董事会及其附属委员会. 总统有责任维护 Constitution and Bylaws and all resolutions 实际上是这样的.



The 执行副总裁 oversees the operations of clubs and student organizations 在PCC的校园里. 执行副主席主持俱乐部间理事会; which is made up of representatives from each active club and sets policy and rules 对于俱乐部来说. 执行副总裁还负责设置 俱乐部每学期的预算. 作为执行委员会副主席和第一 in the line of succession, the 执行副总裁 assumes the role of President 如果总统不能履行他们的职责.

Sky Lam


副总裁 Academic Affairs is responsible for all things instructional on campus. 副总裁 Academic Affairs is the liaison between ASPCC and the college’s Vice President of Instruction, the Academic Senate which represents 所有的教职员工,以及教务长. 他们还主持学术会议 Commission, who are liaisons between instructional departments and other campus-wide committees. 副总裁 Academic Affairs and their commissioners aim to increase accessibility and availability of academic opportunities to further promote 学生的成功.



副总裁 学生服务 focuses on meeting the needs of PCC students by conducting events that provide a source of communication and information for students 在他们的学术旅程中感到舒适. 他们还负责学生服务 Committee, which act as a liaison group to various College student services areas and to provide pertinent information to 相关学生 on available student services; assist in coordination of programs that further student development.



副总裁 External Affairs serves as ASPCC’s lobbyist. 他们是学生的。 primary representative to groups outside of PCC such as other colleges, our local region, the Student Senate for California Community Colleges, and our legislators 在州和国家层面都是如此. 了解立法是他们的责任 that may affect community college students, and to convey and advocate the student's 立法者的需求.



The 通讯副总裁’ responsibility is to ensure the transparency 以及AS对学生的可及性. 这是通过营销和宣传来实现的 相关学生 activities on campus and in the community by creating flyers, updating ASPCC social media, and maintaining the ASPCC website as well as LancerLife. The VP of 通信 also chairs the Strategic 通信 Committee.



The 学生权益委员会副主席 is responsible for promoting diversity and unity on campus. The responsibilities of this position ranges from issues of race and ethnicity to gender, specific culture, sexual orientation, and a myriad of other related topics. They are tasked with organizing events and programs to highlight and celebrate PCC’s 文化多样性,并担任学生公平委员会主席.

Lev Tumaykin


副总裁 Sustainability is responsible for promoting, designing and implementing 可持续发展的理念、政策和项目. 这可以从环境 conservationism to social and economic justice issues to promote a fully sustainable 我们校园社区成员的未来. 可持续发展副总裁建议 ASPCC on making events and projects sustainable, and work with the college’s Sustainability Committee, Facilities Committee, and Planning Committee to further sustainability on campus. The VP of Sustainability also chairs the Sustainability Committee.



副总裁 Business Affairs is in charge of maintaining the Associated 学生预算,以及监督ASPCC的支出. 副总裁 Business Affairs also provides students with financial literacy information through 工作坊及演讲活动. 商务事务副总裁还主持 财政委员会. 

Alden Do


副总裁 Campus Activities is responsible for planning and coordinating 为学生组织各种各样的校园活动. 在他们委员会的帮助下, the VP of Campus Activities is able to plan campus wide events such as welcome week 和回家. Movie nights and other small events throughout the semester are also important; it is the VP of Campus Activities' job to create fun opportunities for 学生应该积极参与课外活动. 校园活动副总裁兼任主席 校园活动委员会.

Irene Wong


The Chief Justice chairs the Supreme Council, which is ASPCC’s judicial branch of government. The Chief Justice acts as a liaison between the Supreme Council and the 执行局成员,并在执行局中具有当然成员地位. 他们有责任 interpreting ASPCC’s governing documents, and is also the main interpreting officer 浏览ASPCC的所有管理文件. 他们审查和修改ASPCC章程, 章程和政策 & 程序,并提出建议的文件,因为他们 see fit. It is the Chief Justice’s responsibility to assist in ensuring that the ASPCC is following its own rules and is accountable to the student body at large.



The 学生受托人 sits as the student representative on 太阳城集团官方网址导航’s 校董会. The 校董会 is the policy-forming body of the District in which powers and duties include approval of college policy, interpreting the college needs to the public, and adoption of an annual budget for the district. 他们有权 to make and second motions, participate in discussions, and receive all materials 提交给董事会成员. 学生受托人是学生之间的主要联络人 the 校董会 and ASPCC Executive Board, and sits on the ASPCC Executive Board 以顾问的身份.

嘉莉Afuso, 学生生活顾问办公室 | (626) 585-7386